Personal Work.  A cynical appraisal of happiness.  Most elements in the image are drab and cut off in the composition, leaving them incomplete.  As the only cheerful element, the umbrella is whole and centered, but is ultimately ineff

An Ode to Magritte

 Personal Work.  A cynical appraisal of happiness.  Most elements in the image are drab and cut off in the composition, leaving them incomplete.  As the only cheerful element, the umbrella is whole and centered, but is ultimately ineff

Personal Work.  A cynical appraisal of happiness.  Most elements in the image are drab and cut off in the composition, leaving them incomplete.  As the only cheerful element, the umbrella is whole and centered, but is ultimately ineffectual in that it shelters nothing from the rain, which is its entire purpose.

3ds Max, V-Ray, Photoshop
